The New York State Division of Human Rights investigates every case by assigning an Investigator to each charge of discrimination.
The New York State Division of Human Rights assigns an Investigator to each case. The Investigator will investigate the charge of discrimination by reading the employee’s charge of discrimination, the employer’s position statement, and consulting both sides. The Investigator may have separate conference calls with both parties, may request an in-person fact finding conference, and may also request documents from the parties. The Investigator may also interview third party witnesses, usually by phone.
The investigator then writes up the findings and submits the file to the Regional Director, who will determine whether or not there is “probable cause” that discrimination occurred. This decision usually occurs within 180 days after Complainant filed the charge of discrimination.
You should cooperate with the Investigator by forwarding any information in your possession that supports your claim of discrimination—documents, emails, employee statements, etc.