A complaint of discrimination can be filed by you, or with counsel. Filing a charge of discrimination is relatively simple.

Filing a Charge of Discrimination at the New York State Division of Human Rights is accomplished by completing a form, which is available on the website of the New York State Division of Human Rights. However, a charge of discrimination must be filed within one year of the last act of discrimination, or three years, if the claim is for sexual harassment. Otherwise, the New York State Division of Human Rights will dismiss the charge as untimely.

The New York State Division of Human Rights has menu on its website to file a claim of discrimination, which is below:

Filing a Complaint at the NYSDHR

Follow the interactive menu and click “Next” at the bottom of the page.

After you complete the charge of discrimination, the New York State Division of Human Rights will docket it, assign a charge number, and served it upon your employer. Your employer will then submit a “position statement,” in which it will likely deny any discrimination. Then, the New York State Division of Human Rights will forward the employer’s position statement to you, so that you may rebut the employer’s allegations. In the rebuttal, you should include any evidence — especially objective evidence, like documents, emails, affidavits or statements from third parties – which demonstrate that the employer’s contentions are false. Ultimately, the investigator and the Regional Director will determine whether or not there is “probable cause” that discrimination occurred.

Aside from filing at the New York State Division of Human Rights, an employee may file a Summons and Complaint in New York State Court within 3 years of the date of the last act of discrimination. However, if the charge of discrimination was initially filed at the New York State Division of Human Rights and dismissed with “no probable cause,” then you have elected your remedy and cannot file a claim in State Court.

An employee may also file at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) within 300 days of the last act of discrimination. However, a claim filed at the New York State Division of Human Rights within 300 days of the last act of discrimination is automatically cross-filed at the EEOC, and a separate filing is not necessary.

Some, but not all, of the types of discrimination are discussed on this site.